Trees and Water Sensitive Urban Design: Volume 2

GreenBlue Urban are excited to announce the launch of Trees & Water Sensitive Urban Design, Volume 2. Our new comprehensive guide to utilising trees and green infrastructure for stormwater management and SuDS applications.

Utilities & RootSpace AirForm® Guide

To date, GreenBlue Urban systems have helped over 450,000 trees thrive in urban areas around the world. Given the nature of working in the built environment, many of these projects involved integrating utilities into the RootSpace system and the other components of the ArborSystem. GreenBlue Urban systems were designed to accommodate a wide variety of utilities and […]

Street Tree Cost Benefit Analysis

GreenBlue Urban is proud to publish its most comprehensive ‘return on investment’ guide for urban tree planting yet. Our long-term commitment to increasing canopy cover globally, using the most innovative soil support systems, is in perfect synchronicity with the research undertaken by Treeconomics.

Trees & Water Sensitive Urban Design

Welcome to our 2018 Designing Trees and SUDS publication – a step by step guide to successfully planting trees in a SUDS context. As large free-standing stormwater reservoirs, trees have few equals. Their natural capacity for canopy interception and water attenuation mean that they are increasing being viewed as fundamentally important SUDS component in LID […]

Trees as Sound Barriers

It is a well-known fact that noise can reach unhealthy levels in urban areas. Cities across the world have acknowledged the impacts of noise pollution and enacted by-laws and best practices to battle this increasing environmental issue. Trees and other planted sound barriers serve to soften the visual effect of a barrier, as opposed to […]

Soil Requirements of Healthy Urban Trees

soil requirements

Trees require adequate supply of uncompacted, well aerated, and moist soil in order to thrive. These soil conditions enable tree roots to obtain all the essential elements they require for healthy growth – nutrients, oxygen, and water. They also happen to be the elements found in the soil of natural forest settings. In built-up urban […]

Benefits of Urban Trees

urban trees

Few things can compare with the visual impact and seasonal interest that trees bring to an urban environment. Trees and green spaces foster community cohesion by creating a sense of place, a local identity, and a system of landmarks. Treed areas can provide space for leisure and community activities, helping residents to take pride in […]