What You Should Know About Specifying Green Wall Systems - GreenBlue Urban

What You Should Know About Specifying Green Wall Systems

The use of climbing plants is an interesting way to enhance living and working environments. Greening of facades, pergolas, and garden spaces are an ecologically sound method of taking your project beyond the ordinary.

Greening is progressively difficult in overcrowded urban scenarios, yet at the same time it is becoming increasingly important to incorporate green infrastructure into the built environment. Climbing plant systems enable you to bring your greened urban vision into reality. Although here at GreenBlue we do manufacture green wall components, this article is about simplifying the process of green wall specification, not about product.

Green wall systems that use climbing plants to create living walls is an interesting solution for enhancing private living and business spaces. Trellis technology helps you to find the optimal solution through green wall systems.

Good climbing plants aid feature appealing design and high functionality. But a beautiful design must not be at the expense of stability and ease of assembly. Components can be combined with each other and additional mounting even on clad façades is possible.

Let’s first consider the benefits of Green Walls

Enhanced Aesthetics

A well designed and properly maintained green wall can notably improve the appearance of any building. Whether you want to add a new element to the building, revitalize an aging façade, or add a new dimension to the area – a green wall system can help.

Deterred Vandalism

Where graffiti is an existing or potential issue, green walls can act as an effective deterrent, making the application of graffiti nearly unattainable.

Protected Building Façades

Green wall systems can help extend the life of a building’s façade, acting as a buffer to heavy rain and hail and protecting from damaging effects of ultraviolet light.

Improved Air Quality

A green wall in an urban environment can improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, while also trapping pollutants.

Reduced Urban Heat Island Effect

Green walls can reduce energy costs by offering an added layer of insulation in winter months, keeping heat in, while acting as a cover from the sun in summer months to help keep the building cool.

Reduced Noise

By adding a thermal and acoustic layer of insulation, green wall systems absorb sound, offering a beneficial impact for not only the building’s occupants, but the local area as well.

Increased Biodiversity

A climbing plant system also provides habitat for wildlife, including offering alternative nesting for wildlife displaced during construction.

What needs to be considered in the planning process?

Use of living plants makes forward planning essential. It is important not only to select the right location for a climber, but also the ratio of plant material to structure should be determined and the final weight of the foliage should be taken into consideration. The climbing plant species for your project should be the first choice – the best suited support system can then be determined. With the GreenBlue range, there is a comprehensive choice of sleek, multi-functional, architectural brackets to compliment every type of scheme and plant species. Specifiers should be able to depend on manufacturers to provide technical support from the earliest design stage to the final completed project, including CAD drawings, technical advice, and onsite support.

Climbing plants species and suitability

It is advisable when designing green walls to choose the plant species as the first step. Most climbing plant systems offer a range of brackets to support all plant species.

There are a range of aspects to consider when choosing a climbing plant; such a direction, wall size, coverage requirement, flowering species, appearance, evergreen or deciduous, maintenance levels and trunk space, etc. The Complete Guide to Specifying Green Wall Systems provides an assortment of climbing plants suitable for use with climbing plant systems.

Specification Packages & Installation Support

Manufacturers with extensive expertise should have support packages in place to help landscape architects and specifiers in their design stage. Such support packages should ensure an effective, integrated, and compatible solution for any project or location. GreenBlue offers wall greening packages to do exactly this.

Benefits to Landscape Architects & Specifiers:

  • reduce design time
  • assure suitability
  • confirm product compatibility
  • clarify location adaptability
  • free-of-charge support services

To ensure correct installation and the best long term success for climbing plants, manufacturers should also offer installation support free-of-charge to all contractors on their first installation. Such a contribution to complete projects efficiently and satisfactorily is important.

Benefits to Contractors & Installers:

  • quality control (for contractors and specifiers)
  • increased efficiency through proven methods
  • free-of-charge support services

What distinguishes a Climbing Plant Trellis System?

A wealth of experience in the field has lead to a range of high quality, improved brackets which can be used to create radical designs – exuding architectural flare before the plant is matured and leading onto the softening and ecological statement offered by fully established green walls.

GreenBlue trellis range offers a unique and effective range of components manufactured from marine grade 316 stainless steel which are both robust and aesthetically pleasing. We have developed a sensible array of technically tried and tested components which scarcely leave anything to be desired. Our program comes complete with practical accessories that can also solve your specific requirements.