Plantando Árboles en Cubiertas y Forjados
En nuestras ciudades, cada vez más densas, nos vemos obligados a encontrar formas nuevas y creativas de conseguir que los árboles y otros elementos verdes se integren en situaciones complicadas. En la actualidad, la mayoría de los nuevos proyectos aprovechan al máximo el potencial del terreno de que disponen, construyendo bajo tierra (aparcamientos, almacenes u […]
The Conservation Volunteers: Let’s Get Planting
Mini Urban Forests – for people and green spaces Trees – we all know they are good for the environment, helping to combat global warming and creating new opportunities for establishing habitats and increasing biodiversity. We also know they add to the beauty of green spaces, enhancing the mental and physical health and wellbeing benefits […]
Protecting Newly Planted Urban Trees
In nature, young trees are supported and protected by other trees. As trees grow from a seed, their roots establish simultaneously with their leaves and stem, but when we plant a tree, whether a container-grown, a root balled or a bare root type, the root plate is reduced in size. This means that the tree […]
Twenty Years of Soil Cells
Great cities are usually blessed with great trees; London, Paris, New York, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Tokyo and many, many others. These great trees are invariably older trees – maybe 100 years, 150 years, maybe even 200 years old; establishing their rooting patterns in urban soils – before the wall to wall impermeable paving we now […]
Introducing Hydraulic Modelling Guidance for GreenBlue Stormwater Solutions
GreenBlue Urban are pleased to announce the release of our new Hydraulic Modelling Guidance – MicroDrainage Guide in association with McCloy Consulting. We would like to thank the authors of this document and extend our gratitude to Michael Rea; Paul Singleton and to the Project Manager, Anthony McCloy. This document has been created to provide […]