Twickenham Embankment

Twickenham Embankment

The success of the Twickenham Embankment regeneration project, realising the potential of the Thames-side location as a local and tourist attraction, depended on the provision of an environment in which trees would thrive and reach their full potential.

The stunted canopy and thin foliage of the existing horse chestnut trees (Aesculus) on site was depriving the location of a key asset. Daily tidal flooding, inadequate soil volume and poor drainage resulted in tree roots becoming waterlogged and starved of necessary nutrients and oxygen.

Following analysis by the GreenBlue Urban technical support team, working alongside the client Richmond Council and main contractor Conway, a scheme was devised to meet the very unusual prevailing circumstances.

The greatly increased root soil volume, which was the primary requirement, was achieved by using GreenBlue Urban’s StrataCell load-bearing soil support modules. Whilst imparting great supporting structural strength underpinning highways and pavement areas, 94% of their overall volume is available for high quality soil. Freed from soil compaction risks, the roots of the eight new semi-mature Pin Oaks (Quercus palustris) have optimum growth conditions.

Other GreenBlue Urban products such as ReRoot linear pavement protection and ArborGuy anchor systems ensured that all aspects of urban tree management were cared for. Prompt delivery of these products to site facilitated the successful completion of the project in the spring of 2014.

Of the transformed civic feature, Councillor Pamela Fleming, Richmond Council Cabinet Member for Environment, commented: “Twickenham now has a riverside to be proud of and for people to walk along, view from the river, or just sit and enjoy”.


Twickenham Embankment



Landscape Architect

The success of the Twickenham Embankment regeneration project, realising the potential of the Thames-side location as a local and tourist attraction, depended on the provision of an environment in which trees would thrive and reach their full potential.

The stunted canopy and thin foliage of the existing horse chestnut trees (Aesculus) on site was depriving the location of a key asset. Daily tidal flooding, inadequate soil volume and poor drainage resulted in tree roots becoming waterlogged and starved of necessary nutrients and oxygen.

Following analysis by the GreenBlue Urban technical support team, working alongside the client Richmond Council and main contractor Conway, a scheme was devised to meet the very unusual prevailing circumstances.

The greatly increased root soil volume, which was the primary requirement, was achieved by using GreenBlue Urban’s StrataCell load-bearing soil support modules. Whilst imparting great supporting structural strength underpinning highways and pavement areas, 94% of their overall volume is available for high quality soil. Freed from soil compaction risks, the roots of the eight new semi-mature Pin Oaks (Quercus palustris) have optimum growth conditions.

Other GreenBlue Urban products such as ReRoot linear pavement protection and ArborGuy anchor systems ensured that all aspects of urban tree management were cared for. Prompt delivery of these products to site facilitated the successful completion of the project in the spring of 2014.

Of the transformed civic feature, Councillor Pamela Fleming, Richmond Council Cabinet Member for Environment, commented: “Twickenham now has a riverside to be proud of and for people to walk along, view from the river, or just sit and enjoy”.


Twickenham Embankment





Twickenham Embankment



Landscape Architect

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