Utilities & RootSpace Guide

To date, GreenBlue Urban systems have helped over 450,000 trees thrive in urban areas around the world. Given the nature of working in the built environment, many of these projects involved integrating utilities into the RootSpace system and the other components of the ArborSystem. GreenBlue Urban systems were designed to accommodate a wide variety of utilities and […]

ArborSystem Specification

green blue

ArborSystem is the world’s leading complete urban tree planting package – providing an easy solution for specifiers and installers. It covers everything a tree needs to mature in an urban environment without damaging built infrastructure – including RootSpace uncompacted soil volume, RootRain irrigation and aeration, ReRoot / RootStop root management, ArborGuy rootball guying, and tree […]

Accommodating Services within the StrataCell Matrix

Services are frequently encountered during construction of tree pits. There are four main methods for creative service ducts through StrataCell structural soil cell tree pits, as described in illustrated in this guide.