Utilities & RootSpace Guide

To date, GreenBlue Urban systems have helped over 450,000 trees thrive in urban areas around the world. Given the nature of working in the built environment, many of these projects involved integrating utilities into the RootSpace system and the other components of the ArborSystem. GreenBlue Urban systems were designed to accommodate a wide variety of utilities and […]

Calculadora de volumen de suelo

Como resultado de una amplia investigación con universidades, escuelas superiores y centros académicos de todo el mundo, GreenBlue Urban ha creado la Calculadora de volumen de suelo, que ofrece una guía sencilla de los volúmenes de suelo necesarios para que los árboles alcancen los diámetros de copa esperados a largo plazo. Si bien esta guía […]

Análisis Coste Beneficio del Arbolado Viario ES

Un completo análisis sobre el retorno de la inversión en la plantación de arbolado urbano que refleja nuestro compromiso a futuro con el incremento de la cobertura arbórea a nivel global haciendo uso de los sistemas de soporte de suelo más innovadores, y ahora en perfecta sintonía con los estudios llevados a cabo por Treeconomics. […]

ArborSystem Specification

green blue

ArborSystem is the world’s leading complete urban tree planting package – providing an easy solution for specifiers and installers. It covers everything a tree needs to mature in an urban environment without damaging built infrastructure – including RootSpace uncompacted soil volume, RootRain irrigation and aeration, ReRoot / RootStop root management, ArborGuy rootball guying, and tree […]

Celda estructural Vs suelo estructural: analizando la tierra bajo el pavimento

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de promover el crecimiento de las raíces de los árboles en el suelo bajo una acera? Es una pregunta que arquitectos paisajistas, ingenieros civiles y arboricultores de ciudades grandes y pequeñas han investigado durante muchos años. Gracias a esta reflexión, se han creado soluciones alternativas para aumentar el volumen de […]

Filler Soil Specification

Healthy soil is vital to tree health. A healthy growing medium is defined as an amended existing topsoil that contains organic matter, a typical clay content of ›25% by mass, is capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth, and complies generally with the typical uses of AS 4419 (2003). It should also be free from unwanted matter such […]

Tree Roots in Soil Cells

tree installation

In July 2011, GreenBlue planted a Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’ tree in a hard landscape paved area, as part of a training and research program. The tree was photographed during the planting process and the exercise was part of a detailed study into tree root morphology in root management products, and new root extension into uncompacted soil in structural cells.

Accommodating Services within the StrataCell Matrix

Services are frequently encountered during construction of tree pits. There are four main methods for creative service ducts through StrataCell structural soil cell tree pits, as described in illustrated in this guide.

Resource: Soil Requirements of Healthy Urban Trees

soil requirements

Trees require adequate supply of uncompacted, well aerated, and moist soil in order to thrive. These soil conditions enable tree roots to obtain all the essential elements they require for healthy growth – nutrients, oxygen, and water. They also happen to be the elements found in the soil of natural forest settings. In built-up urban areas […]