Enabling you to Build Green Cities - GreenBlue Urban

Enabling you to Build Green Cities

With everyday life very much behind closed doors with the instruction of homebound living, construction on building sites is currently still operating albeit there is an underlying concern for how long?

The safety for all is paramount and no doubt precautions are being taken however the need for the completion of projects is down to the client, at what stage do they drop tools without further delay and financial impact to all?

GreenBlue is assuring all that we are operating as normal and standing by our mission:- To enable sustainable cities through green and infrastructure.

With spring now finally upon us, we have blue skies and beautiful trees in full blossom to admire – many are seeking solace from these beauties in our gardens and paved streets – taking in the abundance of benefits that healthy mature trees bring to our urban environment.

Building green cities involve a huge change for the trees in terms of the habitat that they will have to adapt to, compared to what they would normally enjoy in rural near perfect conditions including sheltered microclimate, rich fertile soil with an abundance of nutrients and humus, uncompacted leaf mould, rich rooting volume with plenty of moisture and pore space.

Trees are forestry plants. As soon as we forget this simple fact, we are likely to make mistakes when planting them in town and city environments.

With these factors in mind, we can begin the process of successfully integrating trees in built-up areas. By protecting them above and below ground, managing and providing for delicate root systems, we can as far as possible recreate optimum conditions for our trees to establish.

Continued Support

Most designers and specifiers are used to working digitally from a multitude of locations with access to company laptops and remote access to project information enables desktop technology.

At GreenBlue we are no different our team continue to take calls, orders and communicate via web-based systems.  Although face-to-face meetings are on hold for some time we are continuing with webinar CPD’s across all sectors and proving very popular – Discover more here. 

We continue to support Specifiers, Engineers and Planning Departments with an array of CAD Drawings and online resources as well as our recently ArborSystem Configurator – by which you can design your own Tree Pit based on scenario and Tree Species.

ArborSystem® is the only tree pit package to bring together the key elements of successful tree pit design and simplifies the planning and installation process. Landscape professionals can combine SUDS/LID, root management, structural soil components, aeration, irrigation and chose an appropriate above ground surface grille and vertical guard in one single package.

By using best practice methods allows UK onsite manufacturing using 100% recycled materials – this enables GreenBlue to manufacture 24/7 6 days a week – offering same day distribution from our onsite stock supply.

GreenBlue are here to support your needsworking as normal – offering technical assistance from design to installation – enabling green infrastructure for all during these difficult times. Stay safe everyone.