Fernside Avenue, Poole

Fernside Avenue, Poole

The Borough of Poole was an early adopter of soil cells beneath hard surfacing.

The Borough of Poole was an early adopter of soil cells beneath hard surfacing. Enlightened borough council officers were quick to take on board the essential requirements for long term healthy tree canopy and used the GreenBlue Urban RootCell system in this suburban street.

Using highway build-outs to assist with traffic calming measures and providing the additional uncompacted rooting zone beneath the adjoining pavement has been proved an outstanding success, ensuring that the Avenue lasts for many generations of residents.


Fernside Avenue, Poole



Landscape Architect

The Borough of Poole was an early adopter of soil cells beneath hard surfacing.

The Borough of Poole was an early adopter of soil cells beneath hard surfacing. Enlightened borough council officers were quick to take on board the essential requirements for long term healthy tree canopy and used the GreenBlue Urban RootCell system in this suburban street.

Using highway build-outs to assist with traffic calming measures and providing the additional uncompacted rooting zone beneath the adjoining pavement has been proved an outstanding success, ensuring that the Avenue lasts for many generations of residents.


Fernside Avenue, Poole





Fernside Avenue, Poole



Landscape Architect

Fernside Avenue is a residential street, consisting largely of semi-detached properties, constructed during the 1970s. Formerly farm land, this area was not developed until later than most of the nearby Parkstone, and was part of the local authority strategic house building plans. Much of the town is of Victorian and Edwardian housing stock, and Poole is well known for its street trees; no more than a few minutes’ walk away is Poole Park where the trees are notable for their age and size.

During the early part of this millennium, the local authority decided that planting new trees in full GreenBlue Urban ArborSystems in conjunction with highway alterations would revitalise the public realm. A range of different tree species were planted, and over the past 15 years, these trees have become the main focal point of this road, bringing the multiple benefits that only mature healthy trees can.

Fernside Avenue is a residential street, consisting largely of semi-detached properties, constructed during the 1970s. Formerly farm land, this area was not developed until later than most of the nearby Parkstone, and was part of the local authority strategic house building plans. Much of the town is of Victorian and Edwardian housing stock, and Poole is well known for its street trees; no more than a few minutes’ walk away is Poole Park where the trees are notable for their age and size.

During the early part of this millennium, the local authority decided that planting new trees in full GreenBlue Urban ArborSystems in conjunction with highway alterations would revitalise the public realm. A range of different tree species were planted, and over the past 15 years, these trees have become the main focal point of this road, bringing the multiple benefits that only mature healthy trees can.

As with nearly all urban planting, below ground services were present below the hard paving, and the tree roots were carefully directed using ReRoot barrier away from these potential issues and into the RootCells, allowing root penetration into optimum soil conditions.

There have been no reported utility issues, proving yet again that correct design and best practice tree planting can co-exist with the requirements of both motorists and pedestrians. Another success story for GreenBlue Urban, and all those who live, work and play in Fernside Avenue.

As with nearly all urban planting, below ground services were present below the hard paving, and the tree roots were carefully directed using ReRoot barrier away from these potential issues and into the RootCells, allowing root penetration into optimum soil conditions.

There have been no reported utility issues, proving yet again that correct design and best practice tree planting can co-exist with the requirements of both motorists and pedestrians. Another success story for GreenBlue Urban, and all those who live, work and play in Fernside Avenue.

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