Trees and Water Sensitive Urban Design: Volume 2

GreenBlue Urban are excited to announce the launch of Trees & Water Sensitive Urban Design, Volume 2. Our new comprehensive guide to utilising trees and green infrastructure for stormwater management and SuDS applications.
Tree Species Soil Volume Guide

Any soil volume guide can only be that; a guide. Differing clones of the same tree species can have different rooting requirements, and water draw can be widely altered by something as simple as a windier planting location, as wind speeds radically change evapo-transpiration rates from the tree. This new guide is the first ever […]
Edition 9

The key to successful urban tree planting is below ground – an investment which is out of sight immediately but potentially manifests above ground for many decades, or even centuries. The GreenBlue Design Guide puts together all the key items of successful urban tree planting into one resourceful document for busy specifiers and installers. Please […]
Root Management Selection Chart

Our root management selector chart is intended to be of assistance in determining which product should be used in most situations and is a guide only.
Target Soil Volume Booklet – Imperial

[:na]Following extensive research with universities, colleges and academia throughout the world, GreenBlue Urban has produced the Soil Volume Calculator, available in print and online, giving a simple guide to the soil volumes required to get trees to chosen long term canopy diameters. Whilst not totally prescriptive – different tree species have differing nutrient requirements – […]
Tree Species Selection For Green Infrastructure

An invaluable guide for specifiers on species selection for green infrastructure written by Dr Andrew Hirons and Dr Henrik Sjöman and developed as part of a NERC sponsored project involving University Centre Myerscough, Lancaster University and Trees & Design Action Group.
Soil Volume Calculator

Following extensive research with universities, colleges and academia throughout the world, GreenBlue Urban has produced the Soil Volume Calculator, available in print and online, giving a simple guide to the soil volumes required to get trees to chosen long term canopy diameters. Whilst not totally prescriptive – different tree species have differing nutrient requirements – […]
Planning for Green Infrastructure

This CPD presentation guide is designed to help you understand the problems being experienced by many municipalities and local authorities related to green infrastructure planning, urban tree planting and low impact development. It provides the tools that are available to assist in not only dealing with these problems but creating new opportunities to enhance our urban landscape […]
GrassRings Brochure

GrassRings are a 100% recycled injected moulded structural grid system used to stabilise and reinforce grass. This system will prevent compaction of the root zone resulting in a grass trafficable surface. Studies show that compaction of the top 30mm of soil underneath grass must be prevented. If this layer becomes compacted, grass roots are unable to obtain necessary oxygen, moisture and nutrients from the […]
GravelRings Brochure

Stabilized Gravel Surfacing provides a fully porous, natural alternative to resin bound, block paving, asphalt or other hard landscape surfaces. The principal benefits of stabilized gravel have become increasingly valued, as emphasis on sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) – or LID, cost effective surfacing methods, and maximum recyclability have all become major considerations in modern construction.
Specifier Reference Manual: Book 5 – Tree Protection

Young trees in urban and regional areas need protection from wind, vermin, vandalism and urban traffic. Ideally tree protection methods will maintain healthy tree pit conditions and at the same time, complement urban design.
A Guide to Successful Urban Tree Pit Design

The benefits that populations of healthy urban trees can create are significant, yet the environmental conditions found in urban spaces can often be a barrier to their successful establishment and long term survival. In order to provide urban trees with the best opportunity to survive and thrive, it is essential to consider the conditions of […]
The 7 Fundamentals of Tree Planting in Paved Surrounds

The purpose of this publication is to provide facts and guidance to persons involved in the decision-making process which is part of any urban tree planting program. Planting trees in hard surfaces requires careful planning and interaction between differing professional disciplines. The information in this book is drawn from many sources and is not least […]
Suitable Urban Tree Species

Designers and city planners need to be aware of the benefits that successful tree planting projects bring. Did you know: The crown of a large tree is also a freestanding antiflood reservoir. One hundred mature trees capture about 1,137,500 litres of rainwater per year by absorbing rain and slowing the flow of stormwater, allowing some […]
Managing the Root of the Problem

Every year, millions of urban trees die prematurely or are removed due to infrastructure damage and/or public safety concerns caused by poorly managed roots. This problem is largely a result of improper planting techniques, and although specific causes vary, there are some particular issues that account for the majority of issues – one of which […]
Health Benefits of Urban Trees

Few things can compare with the visual impact and seasonal interest that trees bring to an urban environment. Trees and green spaces foster community cohesion by creating a sense of place, a local identity, and a system of landmarks. Treed areas can provide space for leisure and community activities, helping residents to take pride in […]
Root Management Overview

Trees planted in urban settings often require root systems to be directed below the level of hard pavements and road curbs, to prevent costly damage due to root heave. Once a road pavement surface or road curb is broken, water penetrates and encourages further shallow root growth, and the extent of pavement damage escalates rapidly. […]
Green Wall Systems Brochure

Greening of facades, pergolas and garden spaces is an ecologically sound method of taking your project beyond the ordinary. Greening is progressively difficult in overcrowded urban scenarios whilst its importance is ever increasing. GreenBlue offers plant climbing systems coupled with superior technical advice and active support, enabling you to bring your greened urban vision into reality. This […]