Using Sustainable Drainage Systems to add Value to Development Projects

Using Sustainable Drainage features calls on developers, designers and planners to adopt a new way of thinking, and that can cause some level of resistance. However, Sustainable Drainage is not very far removed from existing civil engineering principles, when you seriously consider it. What does civil engineering do? It provides answers to problems. In this […]

Designing for Climate Change

Climate Change is a term that is used every day, but do we fully understand the importance of what this means for us, our families, our communities, and the human race? Our home, country and planet are rapidly changing and these changes may be irreversible unless we design correctly now. This action must be immediate […]

Bringing Nature to your Doorstep

Biodiversity surrounds us in our everyday lives without us even noticing, from the birds in the trees above us, the worms in the soil beneath us and the insects that fly around us. We live in a world where nature came first, yet with all the publicity of climate change, we still continue to destroy […]

Industry Collaboration for “The Green Up” Campaign

Pro Landscaper is launching a new campaign to help improve biodiversity within supermarket car parks. The Green Up Campaign is committed to seeing more green and less grey in supermarket car parks and is proudly sponsored by GreenBlue Urban, idverde and Hillier Trees. Pro Landscaper magazine’s Rachael Forsyth, who is leading the campaign, commented: “The […]

El Buen Diseño Comienza Bajo Tierra

A la hora de diseñar un espacio urbano, resulta demasiado fácil comenzar con lo que ya disponemos, ya sea bajo el suelo o en superficie, superponer nuestra nueva visión y vender la idea al cliente sobre esta base. Sin embargo, en GreenBlue Urban creemos que el buen diseño empieza bajo tierra. La experiencia nos dice […]

SuDS Slowing the Flow.

Stormwater management is close to the heart of GreenBlue Urban. This month has seen us assess the best-practice methods, products and case studies within our industry, conclusively finishing with our ‘Festival of Ideas, Guest Panel Webinar’. Combining the Blue with the Green was famously the deciding factor on our company name change back in 2013, […]

Rompiendo mitos: Árboles & Servicios urbanos

green blue urban tree pit system

Hace poco tiempo, en este blog, hablamos de cómo superar las limitaciones que nos encontramos a la hora de planificar la plantación de árboles urbanos. Además, explicamos las soluciones que GreenBlue Urban ofrece para superar esos problemas, ya sea por encima del suelo o por debajo. Una de las preguntas más habituales es si los […]

El Árbol Correcto, en el Lugar Correcto

tree pit

Una de las pautas a seguir en la arboricultura urbana es aquella que defiende “el árbol correcto, en el lugar correcto”, aplicada al elegir la especie o la ubicación en nuevas plantaciones. Sin embargo, esta regla a menudo se queda demasiado simplista ante los nuevos esquemas y necesidades urbanas, donde aparecen otros factores en juego. […]

Our Climate is Changing, are we?

sustainable changes

In celebration of Earth Day – 22nd April, GreenBlue are proud to endorse our team as industry educators, covering all disciplines on 5 of the dedicated long term focus areas Earth Day signifies: • Climate Action • Science and Education • People and Communities • Conservation and Restoration • Plastic and Pollution Our mission statement illustrates […]

Urban Tree Planting Constraints

green blue installation

As soon as tree planting is proposed in our congested urban areas, the full plethora of challenges quickly become obvious. With over 30 years of experience in getting trees established in what can be very hostile conditions for what are essentially forest plants, GreenBlue Urban have unrivalled experience in every scenario. When planning urban tree […]

Changing the Landscape of Flood Resilience


Giving Natural Flood Management Development a Boost Through Innovation Support Guest Blog: Hiatt Jackson, Technology Research Manager, Flood Innovation Centre At the Flood Innovation Centre, we are huge fans of Sustainable Drainage and the kind of innovative work done in the field by organisations like GreenBlue Urban. Lately, we have also begun to take a […]

What is an Urban Forest Master Plan?

Guest Post – Keith Sacre – Treeconomics Following on from our recent blog from Kenton Roger’s What is an Urban Forest, Keith discusses our current theme Master planning & Strategy to implement canopy cover for the long term. Urban trees are now widely recognised as essential urban infrastructure. The benefits that trees provide to people […]

Introducing ArborAdvance – Guaranteeing Long Term Planting Success

urban forest

Is it all about “Right Tree, Right Place?” Or do we need to add “For the Right Reasons & In the Right Way”? In recent weeks GreenBlue has been excited to see recent developments within our planning system; particularly with the soon-to-be revised version of NPPF Planning policy which is seeking to include street trees […]

Are there enough “Green” Planners?

green blue installation

GreenBlue were delighted to see a DEFRA announcement dated 12th March for a government-led funding scheme: The Local Authority Treescapes Fund – designed to increase new tree planting and natural regeneration in locations outside woodlands, helping our great nation-build back greener following the pandemic. A total of £2.7 million has been released from the central […]

Driving Resilient Green Infrastructure Policy Forward

green blue urban

GreenBlue is overjoyed when councils present a resilient GI Policy / Strategy; even more so when we see the inclusion of “blue” too, but how do these policies reinforce resilient planning/designing of our towns and cities.   What is green and blue infrastructure? Green and blue infrastructure is the combination of green space and stormwater […]

Discussing Carbon Storage Potential

In June 2019, parliament passed a legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases by 100%, relative to the 1990 levels by 2050. By doing so it will allow the UK to become a ‘net zero’ emitter. Trees have a positive role to play and are an important contributor when […]

La Gestión del Agua de Lluvia

Las aguas pluviales son, en esencia, lo que parecen: agua de tormenta. Cualquier precipitación que caiga del cielo, incluida la lluvia, el granizo y la nieve, la podríamos considerar dentro de este amplio concepto. Actualmente, la correcta gestión de las aguas de lluvia en nuestras ciudades resulta crucial ante el acuciante cambio climático, y es […]

Further Modelling Guidance Tools

With the recent success of last year’s publication detailing the methods of Sustainable Drainage System modelling design using MicroDrainage, GreenBlue are pleased to launch a further publication detailing how to use the Causeway software for the same purpose. Again, we would like to thank the team at McCloy Consulting for their technical expertise and guidance […]

Not all Super Heroes wear Capes. (Some wear Leaves).

Trees are the heroes of our landscape. A bold claim you think? Possibly. But look at the list of benefits they bring to our lives: ecology, beauty, cooling, shade, Oxygen, removing pollutants from the air, providing homes and food for wildlife and conkers! Let’s face it, who doesn’t have a favourite tree? For National Tree […]

La historia detrás de GreenBlue Urban

Qué difícil es ver morir aquello que has plantado con tus propias manos. Muchos de nosotros hemos experimentado alguna vez esa terrible sensación al perder una planta en casa, pero ¿cuánto mayor es esa decepción cuando se trata de un árbol que ha sido cuidado durante años y se le ha puesto tanto esfuerzo, cariño […]

Urban Gardens Assisting in our Canopy Growth

tree protection

A report in the BBC at the weekend indicated that urban tree canopy cover is surprisingly consistently higher in urban areas than in rural ones. In fact, the areas in the UK with the highest percentage of land covered by trees are all in the South of England, Midlands and in South Wales, including some […]

Who is responsible for Maintaining our Public Trees?

urban forests

During times of economic crisis, budgets for local authority landscape maintenance have always been under threat. Viewed as a “nice to have” rather than a critical necessity, many local councils facing funding cuts year on year have had to reduce maintenance to testing to minimise future liability claims – but little or no money for […]

Will we see tree-lined streets on all new developments?

Since MP Mr Chris Clarkson brought a Private Members Bill to the House of Commons on 15th July that wishes to enforce the planting of tree-lined streets on all new developments, the Government has indicated that it intends to make this law. The Housing Secretary, MP Robert Jenrick has made it clear that although planning […]