Great news we have compiled a comprehensive yet simple video for installing a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS/LID) tree pit.
Dean Bowie CEO of GreenBlue Urban details the simple steps from ground preparation, laying of soil cells, root management, aeration, installation of ArborFlow stormwater panels, ground preparation and permeable paving.

ArborFlow – has been developed as an effective and environmentally robust means of managing surface water run-off. Ideal for use in urban areas where space is at a premium, ArborFlow markedly reduces the velocity and flow rate of surface water run-off in urban areas. Designed for a given catchment area it can contribute towards meeting the discharge rates allowed and set by regulatory authorities. Surface water is discharged into surrounding subsoil, absorbed by roots, flowing into the tree pits control chamber. Drainage channels trap silt and other organic matter such as leaves filtering out harmful pollutants.

The advantage of using modular systems is that they can be filled with good quality soil therefor increasing the chances of newly planted trees to reach their full potential.