Sustainable Structure Requires Interdisciplinary Collabs

Sustainable Infrastructure Requires Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The responsibility of creating and maintaining our urban landscapes and infrastructure cannot be laid on any one particular profession.  The realities of the modern planning and construction process mean that both the public and private sectors have crucial roles to play if our urban landscapes and infrastructure are to be sustainable.  GreenBlue works with all of the involved disciplines and have integrated our green infrastructure solutions into urban landscape projects across North America and Europe, as well as around the world.

Healthy urban trees are a huge part in sustaining our urban landscapes.  Street trees must be considered for and correctly sited and planted to ensure health and longevity – and this requires collaboration from several professions.

With the goal of improving urban landscapes and helping to create sustainable infrastructure, GreenBlue has drastically improved urban planting success and increased leaf canopy in cities across the continent, while coordinating complimenting street furnishings.  We tirelessly analyzed the challenges, causes of failure, and premature mortality endured by urban trees – and then examined the negative impact that poor planting can have on urban infrastructures.  Having established the key issues, we then systematically researched the reasons for those issues and designed practical products and systems to address them.

Our program of ongoing research, regular case studies, and continuous product development ensures that specifiers, contractors, and clients can rest assured that the systems we offer for urban tree planting and sustainable infrastructure represent the best in the sector.

The following looks at some of the professions that are responsible for our urban landscapes and sustainable infrastructure, and touches on how GreenBlue can help bring things together.

Landscape Architects

Many landscape architects are already actively campaigning to raise awareness of the importance trees have on our urban areas.  There is currently ongoing deterioration of the urban tree canopies in many cities across the world.

However, even with calls for national legislation that considers trees as an essential element in any new development, there is recognition that the barriers to the successful establishment of healthy trees are not always political or economic, but can also be environmental.

GreenBlue products successfully address and remove these barriers, whilst simultaneously offering a variety of aesthetic choices that allow landscape architects to successfully integrate trees into their schemes from the earliest stages, incorporating functional tree pit features without compromising their designs.

In addition to developing engineered solutions that promote the healthy establishment and successful long term growth of urban trees, GreenBlue also provides a range of services to assist landscape architects in the incorporation of attractive and effective tree pit designs and coordinating street furnishings.  As part of our Specification Support Service, we will be pleased to review your tree pit designs and offer advice on how to improve and enhance them.

You can also save design time by taking advantage of our professionally designed CAD tree pit drawings, available here.  Make the job of specification and procurement easier by choosing from a selection of prepared tree pit packages, which are suitable for a wide range of situations and ensure product compatibility.

Urban Planners

Urban planners and city councillors who sit in planning committees and boards have an important role to play in ensuring that the care, maintenance, and expansion of the urban forest is not overlooked when considering any proposed developments.

An abundance of healthy urban trees can bring numerous benefits to a community, including improvements in public health, desrease in crime and disorder, and other economic factors.  Therefore it makes sense that in serving the best interests of their communities, urban planners always give due consideration to the establishment and care of healthy street tree populations.  The GreenBlue website contains content on current best practices, urban tree planting techniques, and much more.

Of course, the fact is that many planning committees are already aware of the importance of including trees in new developments and have even been known to specify that more trees be included in a scheme prior to its approval.  This is very encouraging, but in addition to new trees, it is equally important to ensure they are planted according to best practices to facilitate their ongoing survival.  This is where GreenBlue systems can help.

For nearly two decades, we have been researching and developing urban landscape products and tree planting systems that help to create optimum conditions for the establishment of sustainable urban landscapes, whilst simultaneously including measures that will prevent trees from damaging utilities and infrastructure as they mature.

Sustainable tree planting represents an investment not only in the plants themselves but also in the communities of which they become a part.  It therefore makes sense to ensure that new trees have the best possible chance of survival so that the benefits they bring will be enjoyed for generations to come.

Civil Engineers

When engineers think of trees they may well think of tree surveys, inevitable utility damage, hazard assessments and tree preservation orders.  The fact is that there are numerous important advantages trees bring to cities that civil engineers should be conscious off when assessing the impact of proposed schemes.

As a civil engineer you pay careful attention to the structural integrity and building standards to be adhered to when dealing with building foundations and roadways.  This is an area that GreenBlue understands and puts special attention on.  When researching potential solutions, designing new products, and assessing project applications, GreenBlue always involves professional engineers to advise and consult on best practice methods, and ensure our products meet and exceed relevant loading standards.

Take for instance our globally patented StrataCell structural support modules – these high strength modules are rated for use under roadways – capable of withstanding up to 600kPa and are stronger than any other product of similar function on the market.

It is important to consider not only how many trees may be lost to a development, but also how many trees will be planted by a developer, and what measures will be taken to ensure their survival.  Thanks to our ongoing research into urban tree pit design, GreenBlue has created a product range which allows healthy trees to be successfully integrated into the urban environment.

Our designs greatly reduce the environmental difficulties trees face in urban areas, while simultaneously controlling the occurrence of common problems that they can cause, such as pavement heave or subsidence.  GreenBlue products even make it possible for trees to share soil space with utilities, with neither one effecting upon the other.


As the market leader in urban landscape design, GreenBlue is pleased to offer incomparable levels of support and assistance to landscape contractors and general contractors who are required to undertake the procurement and installation of our products.

All GreenBlue products and systems are provided with detailed instructions and technical details to assist in the installation process.  Additional copies of many key documents and resources can also be obtained from our website if required.

If you need assistance on any aspect of GreenBlue product installation, contact our knowledgeable technical support team for help and advice.  Our experienced team can not only provide support over the telephone, but can also arrange a site visit to demonstrate the correct installation of a product in person.

Urban Foresters

Urban foresters ensure the careful attention and management of tree populations in city settings for the purpose of improving the urban environment.  Ensuring the health and longevity of our urban forests and street trees is a large task that requires resources.  GreenBlue is here to support urban foresters in their battle to maintain our urban landscape settings.  We have many resources available that will assist in areas such as tree assessment, proper planting techniques, and much more.