FOI: Are there enough green planners? - GreenBlue Urban

FOI: Are there enough green planners?

Festival of Ideas: Are there enough green planners?

Urban planning is complex, with the best schemes being landscape led that include multi-functional green infrastructure. However, is it fair to blame the planning system when such designs become value engineered or developments become financial unviable?

Whose responsibility is it if the green elements of the design are unbuildable because of utility challenges or other onsite constraints, which could be used as an excuse for excluding these vital features for long term health and wellbeing.

There are some excellent examples of projects and tools that transform green & blue from grey which has been highly successful often against great odds.

Our latest webinar celebrates the Champions of the industry highlighting effective tools, planning aides, successful collaboration and award-winning projects.

Date/Time: Friday 26th March 2021 – 10:00am-11:00am


Howard Gray, PR & Specification Consultant, GreenBlue Urban

Speaker Bio

With nearly 40 years of experience planting trees in urban settings, Howard carries out CPD presentations and site visits to assist contractors, Planners and Architects with their tree planting projects.

Guest Speaker

Ian Hingley – Co Founder, Principal Architect – Urban Movement

Speaker Bio

Ian Hingley is a fully qualified landscape architect and urban designer and has been a Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute for over thirty years. He specialises in the design of the public realm, particularly streets and public spaces, typified in his most recently built project, the award-winning Sauchiehall Street Avenue.

Guest Speaker

Esther Kurland – Director Urban Design London

Speaker Bio

Esther is a planner by background. After working in local authorities for 10 years she moved to the GLA to draft the built environment policies in the first London Plan, then to CABE to lead on planning work. for the last 15 years she has run Urban Design London, providing training and support on built environment issues for London authorities

Session title: Learning from Lockdown to meet long term objectives

Meeting the post Covid Urban Challenge.  New priorities and approaches for urban design, policy and management.

How should the lessons from 2020 influence the way we work, and our aspirations for urban areas moving forward

Guest Speaker

Vicky Payne – Senior Consultant, Planning and Urban Design – URBED

Speaker Bio

Vicky is interested in how principles of good urbanism can be supported through strategic spatial planning and design coding. She is motivated by the potential to bake in sustainability at a macro scale through well-considered plans, and the opportunities this affords at site level. She has worked on a wide range of projects including the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and the National Model Design Code.

Session title: Coding for Resilience

Setting out the components of the National Model Design Code relating to green and blue infrastructure, biodiversity and resilience. Exploring how the document might be used to support better development outcomes in this area.

Learning Outcome

Awareness of the content of the National Model Design Code relating to resilience and an understanding of how this might be used to achieve better outcomes.

Guest Speaker

Simon Needle – Principal Arboriculturist, Birmingham City Council

Speaker Bio

Simon is Principal Arboriculturist and Ecologist with Birmingham City Council’s City Design Team, part of the broader Inclusive Growth Directorate. While a relative newcomer to the world of planning and development, Simon has worked for BCC in the Environment and Nature Conservation sector for over 30 years.

He’s also a founder member of Birmingham Tree People CIO (tree warden group).

Session title: Planning for a Green City

Session Description: The role of a Planning Arb Officer and new developments around Tree and planning policy in Birmingham

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