Webinar: Resources for Resilience - GreenBlue Urban

Webinar: Resources for Resilience

Webinar: Resources for Resilience

Friday 24th June, 10 AM

With a diverse mix of listeners from Local Authority, Specifiers, Developers, Contractors, and students alike, our passion is to educate and collaborate to enable healthy urban spaces for all.

Our latest webinar titled Resources for Resilience brings together a panel of well-regarded professionals from a variety of backgrounds that will detail resources available to help support

With the successful planning and implementation of nature-based solutions to help adapt and mitigate against the current effects of climate change.


Howard Gray, PR & Specification Consultant, GreenBlue Urban

Speaker Bio

With nearly 40 years of experience planting trees in urban settings, Howard carries out CPD presentations and site visits to assist contractors, Planners and Architects with their tree planting projects.

Guest Speaker

Jessie Fieth – Projects and Policy Manager

Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA)

Session title: Building resilience through planning 

The contribution of the planning system to building resilience and what resources are available to planners, in particular talking about the TCPA and RTPI planning for climate change guide.

  • Discover the role that the planning system can play in tackling the climate challenge
  • Increase knowledge of available solutions
  • Examples of case studies from successful local authorities

Guest Speaker

Kai Liebetanz – Sustainability Advisor

UK Green Building Council (UKGBC)

Session title: The Value of Urban Nature-Based Solutions

An overview of the recently published report on the value of urban nature-based solutions, including an introduction to current challenges, nature-based solutions as a concept and multiple benefits they provide.

  • Discover how NBS provide exceptional solutions for today’s challenges
  • The multitude of benefits they provide
  • The need for additional finance opportunities

Guest Speaker

Anna Oxenham – Senior Sustainability Project Manager

Southend-on-Sea City Council

Session title: Nature Smart Cities 

NSCiti2S brings together 11 partners across seven cities in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK, funded by the EU through its Interreg 2 Seas Programme. The project aims to strengthen and develop LA’s capacity to provide GI, particularly in smaller, less well-resourced municipalities. It will do this by providing a business model with a robust step-by-step methodology, to determine the financial value of the outputs of a GI project, enabling a more accurate calculation of GI’s cost and benefit compared with the more traditional approaches. Listeners will discover;

  • How to develop a business case for investment into green infrastructure
  • Introduction to the NSCiti2S Business Model

Guest Speaker

Dr Louise Walker, Senior Research Manager –  BSc, PhD, CWEM, CSci, CEnv


Session title: Highlights of CIRIA’s resources for resilience 

Louise will give an overview of the work of CIRIA, concentrating particularly on the work of the sustainable water theme that she manages.

CIRIA has produced good practice guidance and provided support for the industry for over sixty years.

Louise will highlight current essential products that support practitioners in developing resilience in urban systems.

Over the past decade, much of CIRIA’s work in the sustainable water theme has concentrated on blue and green infrastructure.

Learn how CIRIA supports the delivery of blue-green infrastructure through:

  • The susdrain community
  • The SuDS Manual
  • The Benefits Estimation Tool B£ST

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