With the increased pressure of flooding and heightened concern for Climate Change we are all having to rethink the importance and design of green infrastructure into our urban environment.

With the new Environment Bill and the 8th Edition of Sewers for adoption, many disciplines are looking for advice as to how to comply – we can help.
In line with many other organisations GreenBlue Urban are launching our latest campaign “Adapting to Change through Green & Blue”
At a time when we are seeing more extreme weather conditions it is critical our landscaping industry pulls together to “make the change” Working with our partners our passion is the education on increased tree canopy cover and the benefits they provide for our infrastructure and all who live work and play in the urban environment.
GreenBlue are delighted to support this campaign with the first of our Education Roadshows. To be held in Ashford, Kent on 29th April at the Picturehouse. To discover more and to RSVP click on the link here.
We are pleased to announce that our headline partner will be Treeconomics – Kenton Rogers will be supporting throughout our campaign to instruct on “Unlocking the Value of Trees”
There is an increasing number of reports extolling the benefits of trees, and supporting the case for investment in both urban trees and the urban forest. These reports highlight the many and varied ecosystem benefits of trees, and urge readers to value these natural urban assets.
The ecosystem services that larger trees provide should be protected, and future practice should encourage greater investment in these natural resources.
However, recent studies indicate that there are declining numbers of larger trees in our urban areas. Older, larger tree species are routinely being replaced by trees which are much smaller in stature, even when fully grown.
Lack of maintenance and poor planting can also mean that some trees seldom live long enough to reach maturity and provide meaningful ecosystem services.
Kenton will discuss the cost of not investing in healthy trees and will make the case for planting trees with adequate rooting volume.
Progressively, cities are rethinking their approaches to flood risk and water management, transitioning from flood defence to flood resilience by implementing water sensitive urban design (SuDS) Systems that include blue-green infrastructure such as tree pits, green roofs green walls and raingardens.
The roadshow campaign will also enable GreenBlue Urban to detail their NEW modular bioretention rain garden system; The HydroPlanter™. The “Plug & Play” system offers attenuation and cleanses storm water, providing benefits of amenity to new and existing spaces.

The campaign will continue to highlight and provide examples of green infrastructure, the design and delivery of successful schemes that include Biodiversity Net Gain, The Four Pillars of SuDS and Supplementary Planning Guidance and tools to assist.
Collaboration will include speakers from Local Authority , The Arb Association, Main Contractor and Developers who we are proud to say support our mission of Enabling Sustainable Cities through Green & Blue infrastructure”
We look forward to seeing you in Ashford!