Recognising Resilience

tree pit

During our #Resilientplaces campaign, we have asked the question: what does resilience mean to you? In today’s blog, we will dive deeper into transforming our mindset, recognising resilience, present and future.  Having come across a recent phrase; May you live in interesting times Originally thought to be a Chinese saying, implying that “interesting times” usually […]

Retrofitting Resilience

tree surround

We recently asked – What is resilience and how can we ensure our existing infrastructure can be made more resilient for the future with as little disruption as possible. It is, without a doubt, that our towns and cities are seeing the impacts of climate change with a greater need to develop greater resilience. It […]

What is Resilience?

Green Blue

Resilience is a current “buzzword”, particularly in relation to our urban spaces and infrastructure, but what does it mean? What defines resilience? Who defines resilience? And more importantly, what can every one of us do to encourage resilience? The Oxford Dictionary defines resilience as: “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness” and “the ability […]

Positively Stepping Forward into Spring

urban forest

With trees in full blossom, birds singing, warmer and longer days, there is an air of much-needed positivity shedding light on what is still a very difficult time for many of us around the globe. Spring is a time for inspiration, leaping forward with the drive to start new projects with a new sense of […]

SuDS is Fun!

green blue

During a previous webinar “Simplifying SuDS for all” we heard from Chryse Tinsley of Leicester City Council who used the term “SuDS is Fun”: something we couldn’t agree with more! As we prepare to become “climate-ready”, what better way to educate on the importance of stormwater management and the mitigation of flooding than to bring […]

Simplifying SuDS for All!

urban trees

What an absolute pleasure to host yet another Festival of Ideas Panel webinar! Our first of the year, it seemed like ages since we were all together online, secretly worried if how anyone else would show! Our listeners didn’t let us down and we had a fantastic range of attendees to listen in to another […]

Effective Community Engagement with SuDS

urban trees

Community engagement plays a crucial role in enabling nature-based solutions to tackle the ongoing implications of climate change and the effects of flooding in our towns and cities. GBU’s mission is to be the interface between nature and the built environment, by doing so a collaborative approach is possible to enable the successful planning, design, […]

There’s more to managing stormwater than ‘pipe to pond’

Looks all too familiar, doesn’t it? Far too often we are seeing images across our news channels on localised and global flooding. According to the UK Environment Agency, over 5 million homes are at risk of flooding in England alone. The average cost of flooding to a home is £30k and the mental health impacts […]

Mission – Possible!

urban forest

The negative effects of climate change we see and hear worrying, the proven statistics are even more so. Whilst we at GreenBlue Urban understand the urgent challenge of Climate Change, it is often presented as barely possible to halt; nevertheless, humankind has the power to press the brakes on what feels like a runaway train. […]

Global Climate Change – A Paradigm Shift Required

urban forest

Adapting to Climate Change has never been so important; as the BBC reported just this week the past seven years have been the hottest on record. In 2021, Europe lived through its warmest and wettest summer and record temperatures were reported in Western US and Canada; extreme wildfires killing hundreds – all these statistics are […]

Looking back at 2021

This year has been a challenge for all of us – wherever we are on the globe. In the GreenBlue Urban world, we have been very fortunate compared to many, but even we have faced significant hurdles as we continue to enable sustainable places and enjoyable spaces in our urban realm. When we look at […]

Following up – The Urban Green up!

Following our blog published on 2nd September 2021, GreenBlue Urban was privileged to be on the panel of landscape professionals at Futurescape two weeks ago. This panel discussed the potentials of supermarket car parks for urban greening, biodiversity and stormwater management. Hosted by Rachael Forsyth of Eljays44 – the organiser of Futurescape, the panellists Adam […]

It’s all Change at FutureScape!

The new venue for Futurescape, Excel London, was a fitting place to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the UK’s most popular landscape show. With more space, more exhibitors, and attendees thronging to the in-person event, it was, for most, a great success. The seminar sessions were fast and fun, with salient points being reinforced by […]

Combatting Climate Change through Green and Blue

Cop26 Glasgow is here! Green and Blue Infrastructure are one of the most critical solutions to ultimately slow down climate change and to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees. Each country will bring their updated plans (NDCs) on how they plan to reduce emissions and face climate change head-on.  COP26 has to be the most […]

Help Green Our Planet!

Tree-planting has become the foundation of many environmental campaigns in recent years. The call to plant trees is everywhere, seen as a simple and effective way to help reduce the impact of carbon emissions and restore natural ecosystems. Managing our urban forests to help them retain, and more importantly increase their carbon storage potential can […]

Slowing the Flow at Flood Expo

Finally, we are jumping for joy to announce that events are back! It was a pleasure to be public-facing again whilst exhibiting at the NEC Birmingham for FloodExpo 2021. The team were delighted to meet with professionals from the water industry, whilst displaying our innovative SUDS related products and new marketing collateral on our eye-catching […]

Designing for Climate Change

Climate Change is a term that is used every day, but do we fully understand the importance of what this means for us, our families, our communities, and the human race? Our home, country and planet are rapidly changing and these changes may be irreversible unless we design correctly now. This action must be immediate […]

Bringing Nature to your Doorstep

Biodiversity surrounds us in our everyday lives without us even noticing, from the birds in the trees above us, the worms in the soil beneath us and the insects that fly around us. We live in a world where nature came first, yet with all the publicity of climate change, we still continue to destroy […]

Industry Collaboration for “The Green Up” Campaign

Pro Landscaper is launching a new campaign to help improve biodiversity within supermarket car parks. The Green Up Campaign is committed to seeing more green and less grey in supermarket car parks and is proudly sponsored by GreenBlue Urban, idverde and Hillier Trees. Pro Landscaper magazine’s Rachael Forsyth, who is leading the campaign, commented: “The […]

Quotation to Seamless Installation

Green infrastructure is often described as a series of interconnected networks of multifunctional green space, providing multiple benefits and accommodating sustainable developments. These elements include parks, open space, trees, both street and private, playing fields, woods, private gardens, allotments and green roofs and walls. Based in the South of England, GreenBlue Urban has grown every […]

Maintenance – Who is Responsible?

One of the most frequently asked questions when planning Green Infrastructure in our urban areas is who will maintain it? And what’s the cost? Whilst maintenance-free trees and planting schemes do not exist, careful specification of the planting methodologies can reduce maintenance to a minimal level. Historical tree failures – both in terms of failed […]

Good Design Starts Below Ground

It’s all too easy when designing an urban space, to begin with, what we have at or above ground level, superimpose our new vision over this and sell the idea to the client on this basis. However, we at GreenBlue Urban believe that good design starts below ground. In our experience, the best results come […]

Multi-Functional Blue-Green Developments

The 25-year Environmental Plan (2018) and more recently The Environment Bill (2020) has been a clear driver to connect more people to our environment, improve health and well-being and to ensure we leave future generations with improved air and water quality, create richer habitats for wildlife and of course omit wasteful pollution from landfill and […]

Building for a Healthy Life

Building for a Healthy Life (BHL 2020) updates England’s most widely used design tool for creating places that are better for people and nature. The document highlights a 12-point structure that reflects recent changes to legislation (NPPF) and in response to user feedback and best practice. Findings have been in collaboration with Homes England, NHS […]

Designing a 15 Minute City

Before COVID 19 and the need for working at home became essential, a ’15 minute City’ concept seemed near to impossible. Now, these barriers have been removed, the world has slowed down and multiple lockdowns have been relaxed, our hectic lives now feel less busy. Our days used to consist of long commutes and constantly […]