City of Trees is the Community Forest for Greater Manchester and is one ten Community Forests across England.
City of Trees work across the whole of the Greater Manchester City region, helping to plant the Northern Forest – a project which aims to plant 50 million new trees over 25 years between Hull and Liverpool.

They are also part of the newly announced Trees for Climate, and with the ten Community Forests, will be creating 500 hectares of new woodland this 20/21 planting season.
Working on a huge range of planting sites, City of Trees, engage with the community, schools and partners on their projects. As well as tree planting, they carry out other important work such as woodland management, wildflower planting and improvements to encourage wildlife and boost biodiversity.
They also work in urban areas, where planting will benefit people as well as planet. Where funding is available, City of Trees prefer to plant larger trees, create community orchards and also green up our grey streets with street trees and other urban greening projects.
While City of Trees cannot currently run volunteer events, there are plenty of ways you can support City of Trees and tree planting more widely:
- You could dedicate a tree for a loved one over the festive period; every £10 will help us plant a tree in Greater Manchester –
- Plant a tree in your garden –
- Be a green hero at home with some ideas on how to take action at home –
City of Trees are passionate about planting in urban areas and pleased to be part of the ‘Let’s get planting’ campaign.