
Supporting landscape designers with global technical expertise

We work with Landscape Architects, Planners and Urban Designers to deliver successful, high quality, resilient and award-winning landscaping projects that enable a sense of place, health and well being for all that live work and play in the community.

Our 40 years’ experience provides industry expertise in the placement of trees – our design team excel in CAD design, soil volume, species selection and stormwater solutions.

As part of our specification support service we will be pleased to review all designs offering advice on scenario and planting requirements for tree species. Online tools and resources are readily available to ensure the inclusion of trees in urban projects is seamless and time saving.

With experts in Policy and Planning we will assist with implementation of urban greening for regeneration and new housing with the inclusion of Suds including our new Bioretention HydroPlanter.


Why choose GreenBlue Urban?

How we Can Support You

Soil support systems designed for maximum soil and rooting volume.

Tree grilles and guards available in a variety of designs, as well as bespoke.

A modular ‘Plug and Play’ raingarden.

Valuable resources you can filter by category.

Continuing Education

GreenBlue Urban offer a tree pit design workshop CPD to give specifiers and local authorities a condensed overview of the principles and products available to them when designing for canopy volume trees in urban space. The feedback has consistently been extremely positive. The main comments being how well informed they now feel as to what is possible when planting trees on challenging sites and how they feel more confident recommending such technologies and solutions to clients, in order to see trees more successfully established in the long term.

Key Products

Soil support systems designed for maximum soil and rooting volume.

Tree grilles and guards available in a variety of designs, as well as bespoke.

A modular ‘Plug and Play’ raingarden.

A modular ‘Plug and Play’ raingarden.

The GreenBlue Circular Economy

The concept of a circular economy is not new – in fact, the linear economy characterised by taking, making, and disposing of has only existed since the industrial revolution. In previous eras, very little was thrown away.

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Case Studies